Top 7 Finder’s Fees Tips

Consider the lucrative opportunity open to you in earning finder’s fees.

A finder is someone who finds something for a person or business. The amount paid for this service is called a finder’s fee.

Here are seven tips to help you make your fortune in finder’s fees.

1. A finder simply introduces a buyer to a seller for a fee. He does not become involved in the sales process and is not an agent acting on behalf of the seller.

2. The best areas to earn finder’s f…

Finder Fees Interview With Tyler G. Hicks

Tyler G. Hicks, the president of International Wealth Success Inc., is the author of many wealth building publications, including the Financial Broker/ Finder/ Business Broker/ Business Consultant Kit. Here are some of his insights about finder fees.

1. What does a finder do?

A finder brings together a need and a source for an individual or company. For example, an oil company might require real estate (with a certain motor vehicle traffic volume) for the purpose of ope…