Corporate Flight Attendant Jobs – An Alternative To Commercial Airlines
If you think that the major airlines are the only job possibilities for flight attendants, then you’re missing out on one of the fastest growing areas in the aviation industry. In the wake of 9/11, many of the major airlines cut back on flights in reaction to the decreased demand for air travel among the general public. In response, many corporations have turned to either manning their own mini-air forces, or to hiring smaller airlines for their business and corporate trips. …
How To Apply For Jobs As A Flight Attendant
If you wanted to be a flight attendant in the old days, it was a pretty straightforward process. You simply went to the airline’s ticket counter, asked for an application and took it home. After you filled it out, you sent it in to the home office and waited for them to call you for an interview.
Times have changed, and so has the recruitment process for jobs as a flight attendant. These days, the quickest and easiest way to apply for a job as a flight attendant is on the …
How To Get That Flight Attendant Job Opening
When I was growing up, they were stewardesses, and they had a party hearty reputation that stuck despite all the hard work they did. Today, the word ‘stewardess’ is out of fashion, and flight attendants are respected professionals in the aviation industry. While many in the general public see flight attendants as glorified airborne waitresses, the cabin crews and regular passengers know better. The flight attendant is the face of the airline, and her – or his, since many flig…