Flirting Mistakes – 8 Things Not To Do

Being a good flirt has as much to do with not doing the wrong things as it does with doing the right things. Flirting is difficult because there’s such a fine line between being successful and crashing and burning. It’s so easy to do everything right, but then ruin all of your progress by making one

Four Hot Signs Of Attraction

In today’s society, beauty, physical attraction, and sexuality are all commonly misunderstood as some transcendent inevitable fact; falsely interlocking the three makes it seem doubly true that in order to initiate attraction between a man and a woman, both sexes should be beautiful to be sexual.

That of course is not true at all. The definitions of beautiful, attraction, and sexual constantly change to serve the social order, and the connection between the three ideas is …

How To Be More Confident With Women

Self-confidence is a major factor which can determine the success of a man towards approaching a woman. It can make or break a relationship in a snap.

Self-confidence is generally defined as one’s view of himself, his capabilities and his potentials. There are men who are plainly wrong in giving all of their efforts to deliver what women want. This is wrong in the sense that one must love oneself before he can love others.

Courting and dating are pretty much like havin…

How To Get A Waitress’ Phone Number

A person may want to get the waitress’ phone number because he wants to have a communication with the waitress. He may be attracted to the waitress but he does not have the courage to get the number personally. He may want to get the phone number if ever he may want to invite the waitress out for a date.

Sometimes a person may tend to be shy and he may think that he will be judged at that moment once he asks for the phone number. There is nothing to be afraid of in asking …

Online Dating – My First Time

Okay. I’ll take a look, but I’m not saying that I’m going to participate in online dating just yet. I’ve heard the success stories and the horror stories about online dating, but I do not have any first hand experience to share with you on the topic.

What I plan to do in this article is take you with me while I explore the different online dating services available on the web. Brace yourself and buckle your seatbelt, I’m going to try something I saw in a cartoon.

Just …

Online Dating Blogs?

The world of dating has gotten out of hand. They have allowed for women to give us guys seven minutes to win them over in what they call “speed dating”. So much for foreplay. I mean seriously, whatever happened to the wine me, dine me days of dating.

You would be able to meet a nice girl on line at a grocery store, say something kind of witty then entice the girl to gladly exchange phone numbers. After a couple of phone calls and the getting to know you are not a psycho st…

The Art of Flirting

The art of flirting is not only the preserve of the rich, beautiful and exceptionally confident, nor do you have to be a wanton women or lecherous Casanova to participate. With a little bit of practice and some sound advise, flirting is available to everyone