Forgive For Less Marital Anger

Stacy’s partner of twelve years does not come home one evening and she knew he was with a former lover. He begged for another chance with Stacy, but her pride and anger held her back. Stacy said she would feel like a fool if she forgave him, even though she still loved him. Stacy didn’t end the relationship, but reminds him daily of what he did to her.

Should Stacy forgive her otherwise good husband for what he did? Of course, only Stacy can make this decision.

Fact is,…

Experiencing Inner Peace

Inner Peace. Isn’t that what we’d all love to experience consistently as we weave our paths through everything life gives us? The good news is that it is far simpler to attain than many of our outer (material or physical) goals. The bad news is that simple isn’t always easy! Attaining inner peace is not easy because it means replacing old habits with new, and that requires dedicated commitment. But the benefits are absolutely worth the effort.

Inner peace gives you the abi…

Forgive To Live: Free Yourself Of Emotional Baggage

Forgiveness is difficult for many people because, too often, we think to forgive is also to condone, to say, “Oh, that’s ok.” We put up barriers to forgiving others because of this notion. Many times, in fact, most times what needs to be forgiven is NOT ok. It was not ok to have happened, it is not ok to do again — it’s just simply NOT ok. So, unless the offender asks for forgiveness with sincerity and remorse (and sometimes even when they do,) we often find it difficult to …

Forgive Yourself To Grow

If you are on a path of purposeful personal growth, you will have to learn how to forgive yourself to see progress.

Now, before you start balking at the idea, let me give you an example.

Remember when you learned to ride a bicycle? I’m pretty sure you didn’t just hop on and ride away into the sunset. Instead, you fell off, probably several times until you learned how to balance and push the pedals at the same time. Once you mastered balance, you may have had to perfect …

Loving Those Who Are Behave Egotistically Or Are Cold And Unfeeling

Why do we lose our love when others are behaving egotistically? What is the danger for us? We might answer that it is natural not to love an egotistical person. But what is our danger here? Are we losing self-worth, security, freedom, control or pleasure? Perhaps we are offended by our own egotism that reflects in the others’ behavior?

If the others were five years old, would we be offended and outraged by their egotistical behavior? Or would we continue to love them, whil…

Loving Those Who Seek To Suppress And Control Us.

We lose our love for those who want to control, suppress or use us when we believe that:

a. Others want to control me.
b. I must do what others want in order to have their love and be safe.
c. I am in danger if I do not do what others want.
d. I cannot love someone who does not do what I want and thus others will not love me if I do not do what they want.
e. I am the victim.
f. I will not be a good person if I say no.
g. I am weak and cannot protect myself.
h. …

Spiritual Longing And The Path Of Forgiveness

God’s heart exists within your own heart, and as you travel along the pathways of spiritual life, your own divine nature begins to emerge and awaken. As your spiritual essence becomes more manifest, your heart begins to awaken and to seek the way Home.

A heart that longs for love, and that longs to find the way home to God, opens a pathway of light from the human, embodied self to the soul that exists eternally in the realms of spirit. This important connection creates a f…

The Luxury Of Hopelessness

I had a very busy day. I’m sure you understand–food to buy and cook, laundry to clean, clients to see, money to earn. So when I received two emails each from Amnesty International and the International Rescue Committee imploring me to contact my senators and urge them to support sending UN peacekeeping forces to Darfur, rather than call I felt annoyed, put out, guilted.

And then I thought for a moment. Here are millions of people suffering unspeakable horrors and this is …

The Prosperity In Forgiveness

I have found myself inspired to write on this topic on more than one occasion…. All of us, at some point in our lives have felt the desperate inner turmoil and confusion that comes from feeling that we have been “wronged” or betrayed in some way. You fight to understand what is wrong with a person to have done such a thing, or to be such a way. You wonder what may be wrong with you …. Have I deserved such treatment? Am I just completely naïve? I am too trusting. I have love…

Love Is The Answer (Sounds Trite But It’s True)

Love is the one thing that can always be used to effect positive change. Love is the universal element that can be used in any situation, either on a personal or national level, where healing is needed. It is not the only element, but is the element that can be used anytime, anywhere.