Forums – The Business Gold Mine?
If you visit forums frequently, you can use them to promote your business without worrying about spamming. This doesn’t mean that you go there solely with the intention of promoting your business. However, if you’re subtle in your approach, there are a few things that you can do that may land you some new customers. This can be one of the simplest ways to draw business to your website without much effort, as your just engaging in normal everyday conversations.
Profiting From Online Social Networking
This is the second in a series of articles we will be publishing relaying thoughts and ideas from the Internet Retailer Conference in Chicago, which occurred June 5th through June 7th. Peter Kosciewicz, Director of E-Commerce for the Eastwood Company, and Chris Saito, Senior Director, Shopping Products for Yahoo! Shopping, delivered a presentation entitled “Social Networking: The Peer Pursuasion Marketing Tool.”
According to Kosciewicz, the Web today has grown into an “arc…