Essential For Your Well-Being, Your Safety And Security- Part 2

Excerpt from Part One: Develop an effective protection plan-Having a plan will reduce your chance of being surprised and off-guard are greatly reduced. ………………..

If you hear an alarming sound and you are alone, lock the door to the room you’re in and call 911. If the wrong doer as broken into your space, and you have an alarm system, a alarm signal has been emitted by the system and for the most part the wrong doer generally flees the scene to avoid capture and is you have…

Prevent Credit Problems

Prevent Credit Problems from the Guide to Good Credit

Credit problems usually result from a lack of communication between the consumer and the creditor. The consumer is not always responsible for credit problems which occur. Losses which occur due to mail, delayed payments and clerical/computer errors are the most common credit problems blamed on the creditor. Some of the prevalent reasons consumers develop credit problems are: unreported changes of address, underpayment, …

Identity Theft: Don’t Become A Victim!

If you don’t think you have ever been a victim of identity theft, think again. In ways almost beyond our perception, thieves are making off with your valuable personal information, bringing havoc to so many lives. Here is a narrative outlining how you can respond if victimized by identity thieves.

Rent-to-Own at Three Times the Price

Rent-to-own may sound convenient, but if you check the math you will see that it is really just an expensive way to buy. If you aren’t excited by 200% interest, you may wish to find another way to buy your furniture.

Buying a Car and Saving Money

Buying a car can be done fairly affordably if you do your homework ahead of time. Otherwise, you could be spending unnecessary money.