Tips for online dating success

Tips for online dating success is a handy

resource for people willing to improve their

success in dating and not afraid to learn new

things and experiment with all online dating


Dating – How to WIN Love

Love plays an important role in our lives. It is not about just loving somebody. It is much more than that. It’s all about sharing the finer feelings of life. Various researches have also shown that a good love life keeps you healthy. So what should you do make your LOVE happen. Read

Dating – What Do Men & Women Find Irresistible in Each Other?

Consider this amazing fact. In mathematical terms men have evolved to find a woman waist to hip ratio is about .7 as most attractive to them. In other words, divide the waist measurement by the hip measurement and the resulting number is between .6 and .8. A man will almost certainly find that woman instantly attractive. And What women find irresistible in men?