How To Find Government Grants

Each year, the federal government gives out over 150 billion dollars in Government funded grant programs to businesses and individuals. These grants are provided to assist businesses in growing and providing jobs, and to help individuals raise funds for education or other personal needs.

Despite the abundance of grant programs available, many businesses and individuals are finding it difficult to locate grants. The system can be very confusing. Luckily, there is progress …

Are Free Grants Really Free?

The short answer to this simple but fantastic question is that yes, free grants do in fact come at no cost to the recipient. That does not mean that there are no strings attached but we will talk about that later. First we need to get the basic concepts down first so that you can understand why the government is willing to hand out these monetary offerings to it’s citizens.

How does the government make its money? That’s right taxes. Taxes on property and income are the maj…