Strengthen Friendships With E-cards
Friendship is the biggest asset for us. How can we strengthen such friendships with ecards? Let us find out. A true friend is at times more valuable than anybody else.
Dating – What Do You Want From Your Dating Partner?
When you begin dating, try to know what you want from your dating partner. Let me make this clearer. All of us date for different reasons.
Friendship for many, to include scholarly individuals, is actually some sort of an informal category without specific limitations or boundaries. Like when you say a person is a friend, you do not say that he is your friend in school, or he is your friend in the office or a friend in any category of undertaking. Usually, friendship would indicate mutual relationship that you give and take for each other with a time span that will always depend on each party concerned.
Know Yourself Before Dating
Dating is a beautiful way to find a partner. Dating gives us an opportunity to know our prospective partner better and vice versa.
Love Test – What If You Love Your Friend?
You are friends and you enjoy your friendship. You behave with each other as you do with your other friends.
Break-Ups And Doubts
Shall I break-up? Am I right? Or my thinking is wrong somewhere? What if I hurt my partner with the break-up?
Who Else Wants To Easily Make New Friends?
Getting into a new community might cause you a difficulty in finding new friends. You barely know anyone. You feel lonely.
Should you just sit down and hope that someone to come to you, take your hand, ask you to be his/her friend?
I don’t think so. You’ve got to make the move.
How to?
1. Look into Yourself
Decide first what kind of persons you’d prefer to be your friends. Do you want to make friends with those who have the same hobbies and in…
Success In Relationship Can Help You Succeed In Business
Our relationships give us the comfort we need. Our relationships also give us pain. A relationship can work in both the ways and either way it affects our career and business success.
Be A Leader Not A Follower
Most people in life are happy to follow the lead of other people, to sit on the fence in a debate or have the attitude of hiding at the back of the class. The most successful people are leaders and make things happen for themselves by taking a positive attitude and through working very hard to reach their goals. We are all able to become leaders and this article may help you to achieve this status.
How to keep friends for life
Friends are not easy to come by. Genuine friends are even harder to find. Hence, making friends is not easy. Therefore, when we have friends we must put in effort to keep the friendship alive.