Could You Be A Compulsive Overeater?

Compulsive overeaters are individuals who suffer from an obsession with food and a compulsion to eat despite the resulting negative effects on their physical and emotional health and well being. They eat to satisfy an emotional hunger, whether this hunger is for love, for comfort or for a sense of control over something in their life. Compulsive overeaters may be a few pounds overweight, or over a hundred pounds overweight. The defining factor is not how much they weigh, but …

Experiencing Inner Peace

Inner Peace. Isn’t that what we’d all love to experience consistently as we weave our paths through everything life gives us? The good news is that it is far simpler to attain than many of our outer (material or physical) goals. The bad news is that simple isn’t always easy! Attaining inner peace is not easy because it means replacing old habits with new, and that requires dedicated commitment. But the benefits are absolutely worth the effort.

Inner peace gives you the abi…

Discomfort Is Necessary For Your Success

Most people don’t know much about the process actually committing to their life dreams and goals, because most people don’t keep most of their agreements. Most people add a silent, unconscious modifying phrase to all their commitments: “…as long as it’s not uncomfortable.”
One has to feel uncomfortable enough to move him/her to step out of one’s conform zone to the road to success.

Are You Doing What You Love?

Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. –Albert Schweitzer (1875 – 1965)

We are busier than we have ever been, working long hours and feeling under more and more pressure. How do you spend your days? For many people work and pleasure are seen as separate, with work being a chore that has to be done to pay the bills. It doesn’t always have to be like that. Although we don’t have to love …

You Will Not Be Truly Satisfied Until You Do This…

Are you looking for satisfaction and fulfillment?

To be satisfied and fulfilled you must do something you love to do. But it is not always easy to do that.

You will find yourself drifted away from doing what you love and do other things to just make a living.

You may be successful but not satisfied and your soul may be looking for something bigger to pursue.

Without being clear about the reason why you are here in life you will not feel passionate about what you d…

Ten Ways To Find Your Purpose And Meaning In Retirement

As you may know, people react differently to retirement. For some folks, it is the best time of their lives, a time for adventure, fun and excitement. A time when they can kick up their heels, relax, and enjoy the free time on their hands. For others, retirement is a period of boredom and insecurity. This is because they aren’t used to the flexible schedule and miss meeting and socializing with others in work related activities. They also miss the predictability of their days…

The Beginning Is…The Business Plan

A business plan is crucial to business success. The business summary should give a brief description of the entire business and comprise: objectives/goals and a detailed marketing plan to include the target market, the competition, online advertising, pricing, shipping/delivery and payment methods.