How Much Do You Need for Retirement

With an increasing number of people scheduled to begin retirement in the next few years, it is important to begin thinking about the subject. Even if you’re not near the age of retirement yet, it’s a good idea to begin thinking about how you plan to fund your retirement as soon as possible.

Retiring With A Decent Income

These days, it’s hard to listen to the financial or economic news for long without hearing something about pensions. These news stories usually give us some bad news about the pensions shortfalls in the gaping holes in pension funds. The chancellor Gordon Brown has recently gone on record suggesting that he is in favour of increasing the working age, and the debates about whether to link state pensions to earnings or inflation rages on. The bottom line is that people are spen…

Why Bounced Cheques Mean Bad Business

Small businesses rely heavily on maintaining a good cash flow and having their clients pay on time. So when half of the UK’s small businesses are suffering from poor cash flow that is bad news for small businesses.