Party Jokes: Startling But Unnecessary
Read 20 previously unknown secrets about general living that will give you a good laugh.
Put Laugh In Your Love Life: Make Women Laugh And Attract Them
Would you like to attract women in your life? Then make them laugh. This is part of a Chinese quote and it is true. Women love to laugh and will do anything to have some fun one or the other way. Women will kill for someone who makes them laugh. Laughter is the key to attract them. But how do you do that?
Humorous Thought For The Day – A Micro-Break In Our Fast-Paced Culture
You have the best of intentions. You know you’ve been too intense at work. And you’re really disliking your job more and more each day. You promise yourself to keep a better focus on what’s really important in life. But so far you haven’t kept your promise to yourself.
Or maybe it’s the upkeep of the house. You try to keep a clean living environment. But after working and spending time with friends, there’s no energy left to pick up the clutter and get rid of the dirt. Aft…
Advice To Help People To Reduce Stress
If you are one of the many people who are suffering from stress, then this article may well be of interest and benefit to you. I believe that I am one of the biggest stress-heads in the country but have recently, with the help and advice of a friend, managed to lower and deal with most of my anxieties.
Stress Management Advice And Tips
In this article I write about how we need to chill out, relax and to live a stress-free life. For many years I did not live life this way and found myself constantly worrying about what other people thought of me. This was not exactly a happy period in my life and after a lot of hard work and determination, I have managed to turn my life around. I now do not care at all what anyone else thinks of me.
Stress Management In The Workplace
As a Health & Safety officer for a large company in the IT sector, we have had to tackle the issue of Stress Management at work and i wanted to share what should be done to reduce stress related illness at work with everyone.
The Causes Of Stress
This article looks into the causes of stress and gives free tips to help you control and reduce your worries.
I have, as I am sure many people do, stressed for most of my life for many different reasons.
Even though I still worry about many things, I have now learned how to handle many of these situations and will write about how I go about doing this, in this article.
Laughing at the Indian Cricket Team
Even with top class players, the Indian team loses and loses so here are some jokes directed at them.
Party Jokes: Startling But Unnecessary
Read 20 previously unknown secrets about general living that will give you a good laugh.
Laughing at the Indian Cricket Team
Even with top class players, the Indian team loses and loses so here are some jokes directed at them.