New Marketing Approach for Industrial Flooring Products

A kit-based approach to selling epoxy floor coatings is now being used to target both industrial and home users. These all-in-one kits have been developed with the recognition that people want to buy solutions not products. This outcome-based concept ensures that all of the goals for the floor are met and that all of the required tools are available during the installation. To compensate for lack of training and for the inevitable unexpected questions and problems, a complimentary 24/7 help li

Rescuing concrete floors from holes and adhesives

As companies attempt to retrofit floor spaces and walls, carpeting and vinyl tile are often removed or repositioned. These renovations usually end up exposing large areas of adhesives, underlayments, and
sprawling holes from anchors, studding, and equipment. Now there is a solution with step by step instructions and help.

Use Epoxy Joint Sealer to Stop Concrete Floor Vibration and Damage

Many heavy industrial settings, including paper warehouses, steel and other heavy-weight or high-traffic applications suffer from shaking concrete floors. The source of the vibration is most often caused by rolling equipment crossing expansion joints cut in the concrete when poured. Cement contractors place these expansion joints in the floor in order to allow for the shrinkage that occurs in the concrete slabs as they cure. The joints are also helpful if the slab experiences major temperature changes.