The Truth Behind Belly Energies and Psychic Abilities

Communications from spirit Guides and ghosts is somewhat of a mystery to most of us, but yet there are those who say they can openly communicate with other-worldly beings they call Guides and ghosts.

There are a variety of ways in which a Guide or a departed spirit can communicate with a medium or psychic. Often these communications are through what is called the “clair senses.”

Do Highway Lights Turn Off Around You Too

You’re driving down the highway at night and out of the corner of your eye you notice the highway lamp pole turn off its light. Weird you think to yourself. But over the course of time you start to notice it more and more. What exactly is going on?

The Ghost Of Fear

To understand the ghost of fear, let me tell you a short parable:

Once upon a time, Jake and Fear were friends. Fear was Jake’s constant companion, and Fear helped him a lot. Fear saved him from lots of troubles and dangers, and helped him choose right paths and ways in his life.

Whenever Jake would carelessly go with the wrong company of “friends” or make a very careless decision, Fear would butt in and remind him of his father’s counsels and admonitions. When walking …

Connecting the Dots of the Paranormal

An introduction to thinking out of the box, for people who are already thinking out of the box regarding the paranormal, whereever their interest may be.