You Love Them Because They’re Funny!
For years I heard woman after woman say after obviously falling in love, “He’s so funny! I just love that about him.”
Often after someone has lost a family member, they’ll say “I’ll always remember her smile, the way she laughed, the little jokes she would tell to lighten the mood.”
Could it be we love people who have a great sense of humor? I’ve always thought so. And now we have scientific proof of what many of us long suspected. Humor is one of the things we enjoy mo…
Gifts For The Newly Married Couple
When you receive a wedding invitation, your first thought is often what to give as a wedding gift. In order to give a gift that the new couple will like, you have to consider some factors about this couple. Since the trend in modern times seems to be that most couples live together, they probably have all the household items that they need. Another trend of modern couples is to register with a wedding registry where they list all the things that they would like to have as wed…
The Enjoyment of The Gift of a Diamond Circle Pendant
The Diamond circle pendant and the feeling of that specials someones gift that last forever. The enjoyment of receiving a diamond circle pendant.
Yearly Guide For Anniversary Gift Giving
Is your anniversary here again? Don’t know what to buy your better half? Maybe the anniversary gift guide can help. The guide has been updated with a few gift ideas to make your shopping a little easier.
1st Anniversary- The first anniversary is the year of paper. Paper gifts are not as boring as one may think. It can be as simple as a handwritten poem or as lavish as an airline ticket.
2nd Anniversary – The second anniversary is cotton. A good cotton gift is clothing. …
A gift idea for your Russian bride
Choosing a present for the woman of your heart may be really a challenge for you. Your lady can read information about your personality and attitude from the gifts that you give her. It’s true that women like to receive presents, especially something original. However guys not always can guess what’s going to suit his woman’s taste the best.
Bittersweet: When Bad Comes Along With The Good
In life, there are cycles of good and bad. Times when our lives seem joyful and easy, and times when we’re struggling through what seem like endless difficulties. Then there are times when the two seem to co-mingle. These are the times I call bittersweet. Perhaps you’ve had a bittersweet period in your own life? Usually it begins with something wonderful, followed immediately by something awful. You get a great promotion at work, then your spouse loses his or her job. Or you …
How Do You View Your Debt?
How Do You View Your Debt?
Are you loaded down with debt? Do you feel like there is no way out? Have you ever thought that how you view debt might be the problem?
Every aspect of your life, at some point, you wanted. You say “I didn’t want the debt”, but you wanted the thing that came along with the debt, or whatever you exchanged for the debt; maybe it was a house, the car or the car repairs, the clothes.
Debt was just a way to live a certain dream – a means to an…
You Have A Gift, Release It!
Every person on this earth has a special gift. The gifts may not all be equal but they are all special. What is your gift?
It may be singing, acting or craftsmanship. Or you may have an eye for detail, allowing you to turn an ordinary pace into a wonderful haven, where people would want to spend their time.
It’s never too late to make a change and find a path that will allow you to be true to yourself. You just need to recognize your gift and take it out from where it i…
It Takes More than Effort to Get Results
The truth is, what we really need to do is work smarter not harder. There are many things we can do to work harder, including building our skills, our capacities, our network, and our experience.
The Seventh Abundance
If you’re struggling with money problems, and believe the world has given you a raw deal, then it’s time to stop and do a reality check. Because you really are immensely abundant, rich and wealthy whatever your bank balance says. Read this article to discover your 6 current abundances and then automatically create the seventh.