Writing A Online Dating Profile – Does Your Dating Profile Suck?
“I might not be Fred Flintstone, but I can still make your bed rock!”
Come on. You can do better than that. Here are some tips to help you when putting together your dating profile that has more taste than the above headline.
Are You In Too Much Of A Hurry?
Do you find yourself in a hurry much of the time? When we are in a hurry, we tend to lose sight of the people and things around us. I had an experience when traveling through an airport in Atlanta, Georgia that reminded me of how easy it is to walk over someone rather than help them.
How Much Time is Worth Volunteering?
Do you feel like the time you have to contribute to a worthy cause won’t make a difference? This short exercise will show a small amount of time can have a positive influence on someone who needs it.
How to Make More Time for Giving
Are you so busy that there seems to be no time at the end of the day to give to others? It might be the result of not knowing your life purpose.
Questions to Ask Before Volunteering – Obligation
Volunteering is one of the most rewarding things you will do. Volunteering will also be a frustrating experience if you do not consider the answers to a few questions before you commit your time and energy. One of those questions is “Do you know what your true obligation will be?”
18 Reasons to Volunteer Your Time
There are many reasons to be a volunteer. This article lists eighteen of them.
Little Things Do Make a Difference
Little things can have a tremendous impact on a person. What little things have you done today for someone?
Who Needs Encouragement?
Everyone has times when they could use some support or motivation from others. Encouraging others is something we should do everyday.
Are You Getting in the Way?
Too busy, too stressed, too important to give a helping hand and make a difference? I believe that once we stop and get out of our own way, we not only discover how much we have to give, but also that we have much joy and richness to experience in that transaction.
Add Significance to Your New Year’s Resolutions
The start of a new year is traditionally a time to reflect on the previous year. It is also a time to establish new resolutions. Make sure that some of your resolutions consider others.