Paying Attention
Quite often we’re so focused on our goals, fitting in, achieving a perceived level of success, that we miss the important signals in ourselves and life around us. Missing our own target, we hit the target our goals were aimed at only to find ourselves disappointed and empty with the circumstances of our life.
5 Simple Steps to make 2006 the Best Year Ever!!!
5 Simple Steps to turn your life from confusion to success in under 5 minutes. Get your top 3 goals for the year and a simple system to insure that you achieve them.
Achieve More by Deleting “Should” from your Vocabulary
Take back your power and motivation by replacing “should’s” with “will’s.”
Blast Through Barriers to your Goals
This simple preplanning step will allow you to identify your potential barriers and plan your way around them.
Four Reasons to Set Group Goals Collaboratively
We need set goals for our groups/teams or the larger organization. While we may instinctively know that we should include people in the creation of goals they will be working to achieve, too often the press of time and the lure of expediency leaves leaders setting the goals, and simply sharing them with those charged with achieving them.
Going Beyond Goal Setting
People don’t set goals now because they didn’t achieve the ones they set in the past. Stop making the goal setting process the focus, and start putting the focus on goal achievement.