Private Money Land Loans

We seem to have touched a nerve with our raw land loan product. It is very popular with our client base, and it is easy to understand why. First of all, the

banks pretty much stay away from raw land. There is no way to process raw land loans with an assembly line approach to lending. The only way to evaluate a

raw land loan is to put on your boots, roll up your sleeves, and prepare to get a bit dirty. It is also necessary to review stacks of documentation, have

conversations with city and county governmental authorities, and to make decisions based on an assessment of various probabilities with the understanding

that there are no certainties when it comes to raw land development.

Purchase or Refinance Hard Money

Purchasing or Re-Financing with a Hard Money Mortgage

Hard money comes in many flavors; one of the most common is mortgages. Using the owner’s equity in real estate, hard money lenders generally lend 65% – 70% of the value of real estate property. In general, hard money mortgages are used for commercial purposes. However, they can also be applied to residential properties. In this instance, the loan is generally referred to by its more genteel name: a non-conforming mortgage.

Everything About Private Money Loans

Private money is often misunderstood. Many industry professionals know very little about it, and fallacies and misconceptions tend to dominate the collective


Bridging the Gap

One of the primary advantages of private money is that it allows for creative problem solving due to the flexible nature of the beast. There are usually ways

in which one can make a private money transaction work, on any given project, even when the LTV initially appears to be too high.