The Dance Of Change
Though many are afraid of change, our world today has made it decidedly clear that, like it or not, change is and continues to be a constant. Not only that, it is an increasingly consistent constant. Like it or not, there’s no avoiding this invitation to dance.
Yet if we have learned to flow with this dance, if we have found a way to see ourselves as a partner in the process of change, we have a chance. If we have been attuned enough to have caught a whiff of the winds…
The Healing Presence Of God’s Love
God’s love as a healing presence in the world is growing stronger daily. Many people are not yet able to perceive this growing presence of light, because there also exists at this time a thick cloud of negative energy that is surrounding the Earth. This acts to obscure both the perception and the consciousness of people, and to create feelings of isolation and despair.
These feelings are not the spiritual reality of this time; they are produced by the presence of much nega…
The Often Overlooked Resource For Healing – The Internet
Having a health crisis can be a frightening experience. Whether you battle with cancer, depression, diabetes, pain, or another long-term condition at home or in a hospital facility, a feeling of isolation often accompanies these conditions. The result is decreased energy and, often, a lack of hope. Friends and family members who enjoy good health may not understand the particular emotional stresses you experience. The doctor pays keen attention to your medical care, but shari…
Three Secrets To Getting Everything You Want
Three Secrets to Getting Everything You Want
Those of us who look at things like “getting everything you want” are usually those who don’t have everything we want and know it and feel it – often to the point of pain. Two very painful things in my life started me on this path of trying to get a life I wanted instead of the one I had.
One was a really bad relationship that I lived in daily and didn’t know how to do anything about and the other was a very skewed …
Transforming Your Physical Body Into A Sacred Light Body
Your physical body is a sacred vehicle of light, which was created by God and joined with physical matter in order to accomplish a holy purpose that your soul chose before incarnating. It may seem as though your daily life is mundane and has little in the way of divine soul purpose, but one day this veil over your perception will lift, and you will see and feel deeply the full splendor of your soul’s radiance and beauty as a child of God.
When this realization comes of yo…
TruAwareness Quiz
Discover the divine meaning behind the painful feelings and events in your life with a healing practice called TruAwareness, and uncover the powerful wisdom embedded in your life experiences and find deeper healing and more peace than you’ve ever known.
Answer the following questions with a True or False response and write your answers down:
1. When I’m reminded of moments from my past relationships, I can feel regret, sadness, anger or resentment.
2. I experience st…
Wabi-sabi: The Beauty Of Imperfection
Ring the bells that still can ring.
Forget your perfect offering.
There is a crack, a crack in everything.
That’s how the light gets in.
–Leonard Cohen
Tucked away in the deepest heart of Japan, somewhere beyond city life, probably beyond country life, resting in a humble shack on a simple shelf in a nearly bare room, you can find a really powerful idea about beauty. This idea, this way of life, this way of being, goes against everything the contemporary American cul…
Why Hurry – Worry? Living Life By Intuition
Learning to trust and live by our intuitive inner guidance systems is not about developing fancy party tricks to impress our friends. It is about learning to return to a life of balance that is guided from a deeper source of wisdom than our current culture has to offer.
The more “masculine” thought processes (I’m not bashing individual men here—we all have masculine and feminine attributes) dominate every aspect of our culture, honoring only the linear and rational ways…
Music has always been a very important part of our lives, from childhood to our being an adult. As a part of our experience, music can have both a physiological and psychological affect upon us as human beings. In addition to the influence that it has on our life, music also has many therapeutic qualities and has been utilized in promoting a variety of healings throughout the ages. As we know further, music can be a very powerful medium for altering our state, of changing how we actually feel
Success in recovery, or rather, staying in recovery, is dependent upon a variety of factors. For example, it appears that attending daily NA or AA meetings and staying in communication with ones chosen sponsor will definitely assist an individual in successfully implementing his recovery plan. Getting and staying committed to working the 12 Step Program also appears to increase the probability of the person staying abstinent from drugs and alcohol. While the above-mentioned elements of a persons overall recovery plan are crucial to his recovery, another major factor that will greatly influence an individual’s continued abstinence is how he is able to handle the breakdowns that happen in life.