Exercising Your Brain
Staying fit is a great goal that will help you lead a longer, healthier life but if your brain can’t keep up, then what’s the point. The brain is a muscle too and it follows the same “use it or lose it” policy as your other muscles. So how can you keep your brain fit? Brain exercise is the answer.
Two of the most important factors in keeping your brain healthy are traditional exercise and nutrition. Keep your body healthy and your brain will follow suit. But after that the…
Feeling Overwhelmed In Work And Life
I was leading a teleconference this morning with twenty interesting, diverse, solo entrepreneurs, consultants and coaches. The hot subject up for discussion was how “overwhelmed,” beat, tired, and burned-out many of the people were feeling due to the “too much to do / can’t stop now” syndrome.
Are you one of those people who can’t seem to stop “doing?”
I have yet to meet anyone who hasn’t felt overwhelmed from time to time. Since it tends to feel uncomfortable, if not d…
Good Attitude + Good Health = Success
You were overlooked for a promotion again. It was no surprise. Mr. X leads a charmed life. Work is finished before deadlines. They always have enough energy to attend seminars and workshops. They work late whenever needed. They always look great, are full of energy, and happy.
It is not fair that some people are gifted – or are they? Next time the flu hits your office, look at the people who stay home and those who end up taking days home from work. There will be some star…
Here’s A Quick Way To Clearer, Smoother, Healthier Skin In Less Than 30 Minutes
Facial Masks are a refreshing treat that will help you to clean your pores, condition your skin, and feed your skin. They can also be very beneficial in reducing any buildup of sluggish cells deep within your skin. Masks make the skin softer, healthier, smoother and taut. Most masks are also very effective in healing blemishes. They are easy to make at home with typical kitchen ingredients.
Skin is vital but people very often do not take care of it. Your skin’s texture…
How To Handle Hunger On A Fasting Day
I’ve been fasting today. I do it four times a month and am seldom bothered by hunger (I’ll explain why later). But today was different and in the afternoon at around 5.00 PM I had “demon hunger” and couldn’t concentrate on some computer work that I was doing. I really felt like eating something!
I contemplated taking some fruit, which is generally a good idea whenever you are in this kind of predicament. For example, suppose you are trying to lose weight by cutting down on…
Law Of Attraction: The Power Of Gratitude
Before the law of attraction can work, you need to be grateful of your present condition. Whatever your current situation is, be grateful for that. Do not resent your life situation no matter what state of condition you are currently in. There are people who are far less fortunate then you are and they are not feeling resentful. Before the universe can address your desires, you need to show gratefulness. Being born into this world is already a privilege. Life is a privilege a…
Law Of Attraction: What’s In Your Wallet?
In the law of attraction, like attracts like. You get what you asked for based on the clarity of your thoughts. This applies also to what is inside your wallet or purse. You need to be careful with the kind of money that you carry. If you carry dimes in your wallet, that is exactly what you are going to get more of – dimes. So get rid of those dimes and nickels because you don’t want to be attracting that unconsciously.
If you want to attract hundred dollar bills, that is …
Secrets To Control Your Path To Success: Top 5 Ways To Maintain Complete Control Over Your Life
Maintaining control over your time and mind is crucial to your success in all areas of life. There is, however, one more major aspect that you must maintain complete control of before you can ultimately cruise on your path to success.
That said aspect is your life and maintaining complete control over your life is much simpler than you think if you observe the following:
1) Take proper and adequate care of your body and health. Always ensure you have a balanced diet of …
Self Defense 2: Life Style Exercise
I want to stay alive!
Do you?
Mugging! Rape! Hooligans! Yobs!
Cholesterol! Circulation! Diabetes! Progressive Joint stiffness! Family genetic factors!
You name it!
Few diseases of developing age can be prevented.
But many – so many indeed – can be modified and risks so much reduced.
There are many lines to follow. Above all – the focus of this article – spinal integrity. The organs all get what we could call their ”electric energy supply” from the spinal …
Self Defense 4 – Which Martial Art?
You are elderly and unfit. And very concerned at the risk you face when walking our streets and parks.
Worried about mugging. Frightened about rape. Scared of yobs. You want to learn how to give yourself a better than even chance of survival.
You have decided to join a self defense class. But which one?
Karate? Aikido? Judo? Ju-jutsu? Kung-fu? Hapkido? The list is truly endless.
My advice? Don’t join any! If you do, you will have NO chance of surviving a mugging o…