Relationship Test – Are You Continuing Without Pleasure?
A relationship should be like a flowing river. Fresh, moving around and finding ways around obstacles.
Test If Your Love Will Stand Rough Spots?
After the initial euphoria of love gets over, lovers start thinking about what troubles them. For example, your partner may always be coming late to meet you.
Dating – Lying Hurts
To impress some one we like, we lie. Because truth may at times make us feel awkward. To make other persons feel comfortable, we lie, otherwise our date may feel embarrassed.
Dating – Not Asking For Immediate Results Is Better
Today, most of the daters want immediate results after a date. They want to meet their dream date immediately. They want to fall in love immediately.
Dating Test – How Romantic You Are?
Most of the people on the dating scene are looking for great partners. Someone who will fulfill the vacuum in their life and heart.
Love – Why Two People Love Each Other?
Why do two people love each other? Why do we need someone to love? Why cannot we love ourselves and exist alone?
Ten Ways To Live With Heart
To Live With Heart means living with feeling. Everyone has feelings. When we are aware of how we feel, we are in touch with a basic part of ourselves. Living with heart means we live with all our feelings, accepting all, even the painful ones. Many of us choose to accept the happy ones and deny those that don’t feel so good. Why do we do this? We would rather ignore them than face them. We don’t know how to handle them, how to express them or how to heal the pain. In reality …
The Birth Of I.M. Heart
I.M. Heart came as a soft whisper one morning as I was barely awake. It was one of those whispers that you think you’ve dreamt about – and yet the word hangs in your semi-consciousness. It’s as if a messenger is trying to tell you, “Come on, it’s important for you to remember this. Now don’t forget it!” So, I crawled out of bed and wrote I.M. Heart on a piece of paper.
Days passed and I wandered around with these words floating through my thoughts. Did you ever do that – g…
The Dirty Dozen: Why We Do Not Want To Face Feelings
Feelings! Feelings! For many people, feelings are not a favorite topic to think about or talk about. There are many reasons people refuse to take a look at their feelings. The top 12 or the dirty dozen are:
1. Feelings Hurt. I recently had a conversation with a friend who some years ago lost her husband, her buddy and best friend. At this point in her life, she would like to have another relationship. However, she knows that she is still grieving the loss of her husband. S…
Good Stress And Bad Stress
The stress response of the body is somewhat like an airplane readying for take-off. Virtually all systems (eg, the heart and blood vessels, the immune system, the lungs, the digestive system, the sensory organs, and brain) are modified to meet the perceived danger.
Trembling Pounding Heart
With trembling and a pounding heart, we can find it difficult to execute precise, controlled skills. And the intensity of our focus on survival interferes with our ability to make fine …