Can We Have It All?
Must we give something up in order to get what we want?
Are you reconciled to hitting the invisible ceiling at work? Are you settling for just anyones affection? Or putting your passions away to pursue a ‘normal life’? Do you allow authorities, statistics, desperation, and old voices from the past to cloud your vision of the future?
The universe wants to give us everything, yet! We limit ourselves.
While we can experience unlimited success, our success must be limite…
How Much Time is Worth Volunteering?
Do you feel like the time you have to contribute to a worthy cause won’t make a difference? This short exercise will show a small amount of time can have a positive influence on someone who needs it.
How To Choose To Be Happy
Anger, anxiety, guilt, regret and worry are all perfectly normal emotions. They are our mind’s way of telling us that something is wrong and we need to get off our keesters to fix it. As I have said many times before, we only have a limited amount of energy to stay healthy, age gracefully and live happily. It is up to you to choose how you spend that energy.
“Okay,” you say, “that is great and all, but HOW do I choose to not be miserable?” Well, the first thing is…
How to Make More Time for Giving
Are you so busy that there seems to be no time at the end of the day to give to others? It might be the result of not knowing your life purpose.
Questions to Ask Before Volunteering – Obligation
Volunteering is one of the most rewarding things you will do. Volunteering will also be a frustrating experience if you do not consider the answers to a few questions before you commit your time and energy. One of those questions is “Do you know what your true obligation will be?”
Suicide Prevention
Many people contemplate suicide, but often don’t mean it. In some cases, people actually undergo number of events that pressure the person to take suicide as an alternate option, rather than bearing such pain. As a friend, or at least as a human, one must take some sort of measure to help them.
The thing one must to do is to talk to them. The first thing is to ask whether there is something wrong, and if it can be helped. If they say no, but it seems like there is a proble…
Self Improvement – What the Samurai Can Teach Us About It
The samurai lived by the sword and died by it. They were so adept at reading body movement that they were able to draw their swords and use them with deadly effect against opponents in the mere blink of an eye. So how can the code that they lived their lives by in the Seventeenth Century help you now?
Something About Habits
Habits determine our future as well as the most important decisions. We should not forget to dedicate to habits the attention they deserve.
When Change Happens (Dealing with Loss and Grief)
The time after loss and change is volatile and confusing. However, crisis means opportunity. When we understand the dynamics of change and the process of grief is properly handled, it’s possible for an individual to grow a great deal during this time of life. We can turn a time of loss and grief into one of strength and hope.
18 Reasons to Volunteer Your Time
There are many reasons to be a volunteer. This article lists eighteen of them.