
I know that diversity has been a big topic of conversation ever since the early 1990s when research supported the demographics that by the year 2000, 85% of the entering workforce would be female, African-American, Asian-American, Latino, or new immigrants. The fact that white males would be a minority entering the workplace was a wake up call for corporate America.

How have we done sine then? I suggest that there has been definite improvement in the area of hiring but it …

Hiring Adjustments For Generations X And Y

Work-life balance. Flexible work hours. Corporate mission. What is the point of focusing on these non-traditional hiring topics? Two letters – X and Y. Generation X (born between 1963 and 1980) and Generation Y (born after 1980) are establishing a more prominent position within the employment landscape as the Baby Boomers prepare to exit the workforce. The shift to these younger generations is prompting a new focus in hiring tactics.

The Baby Boomer generation was cut from…

Hiring the Best – Interviewing Strategies that WORK!

Hiring continues to be key to a company’s success. Hiring the right staff – with the skills AND characteristics required for success – requires behavioral event interviewing. This article provides insights into effective interviewing and hiring.

Retooling The Hiring Process For Today’s Market

As the Baby Boomer generation exits the workforce steadily over the next 10 years, sourcing new candidates will become a tenuous task. Companies that understand the impending scarcity of candidates and can retool their process will have a marked advantage in acquiring talent.

One key to properly retooling will shift the current focus from experience to talent. This fundamental change will be precipitated by the need to develop talent as opposed to hiring experience. The ex…

Selecting Salespeople From Outside Your Industry

There is an old saying in the computer world that dates back to the days of mainframes and terminals. These early computers cost tens of thousands of dollars and there were a handful of competitors in that market space. The dominant player was IBM who was often the highest priced option even though the competitive solutions were fairly similar. IBM’s market-leading position created a security blanket for buyers that developed into a common phrase – “Nobody was ever fired for …

Slow Cars To Superstars

Successful hiring, in any company, is one of the most difficult tasks in which to achieve repeatable success. From unexpected outbursts to terminal tardiness to woeful incompetence, every company has a hiring horror story regarding employees who interviewed strong but performed poorly.

Perhaps a subtle, but more dangerous occurrence is the all-too-common hire who performs their job in the gray twilight of mediocrity. They never rise to the occasion and they never catastro…

Who’s the First Person to Greet Your Customer?

Ralph Waldo Emerson said “Life is not so short but that there is always time enough for courtesy.” I spent an interesting hour at the dentist’s office yesterday and the time actually flew. I found it fascinating and almost entertaining watching the young woman at the front desk. I guess I’m accustomed to being greeted by a receptionist with a smile and an attitude that conveys ‘thanks for coming to see us, not them’.

Hire A Six

On a scale of one to ten, sales managers need to hire a five or six not a ten. Tens most always fall into 80 percent of the sales professionals that sell only 20 percent of the goods and services in the united states.