Fuel for Thought

With gasoline prices as high as they are, calls for action against the oil giants are circulating in cyberspace. Here’s a much better method of addressing the issue.

Office Chair

An office chair is a type of furniture that is designed to help employees sit in a single location for extended periods of time. Many office chairs can swivel, and this will allow the workers to reach different places without having to get up.

Trigger Your Home Based Business To Success With A Good Home Office.

Seldom do we come across someone starting a home-based business at the spur of the moment. A decision such as this is often made after much thought and deliberation. You are probably no exception. Once you have made this decision, you owe it to yourself to set up a good home office with good working conditions that will inspire and motivate you to spend a few hours within and put in your best effort. A good home office and good working conditions are a necessity so that your …

Working At Home Is Great, But Requires Discipline

Choosing to have a home business is a great step towards achieving self-reliance and financial independence. But often times when people start working from home their level of productivity drops. Why is this and what can be done to change it?

Importance Of Technology Changes In Business Computing

The importance of keeping up with changes in business computing and technology can be more important over time as your business grows. As and an IT professional far too often I have seen many small businesses get way too far behind in computing technology and wonder why they should pay for the upgrades. Usually I have to explain to them the hard way that the current computers system that are over 4 years old are not going to perform the requested task very well and are not su…

How To Set Up Your Small Office Home Office And Save $1000s

When starting out in business there are great temptations to buy “the best of everything” and spend too much money in the process. This is one of the potentially devastating mistakes that new companies make and it can be a killer from the start.

It is the intention of this article to help you avoid spending thousands of unnecessary dollars when setting up your Small Office Home Office (SOHO). It addresses your PC and the software that you buy for it.

First off, think of…

Computer Printers – Cut Your Costs

When you buy a new computer it almost always comes with a free printer. The free printer is almost always an inkjet model. The printer manufacturer gives these to the computer manufacturer for a knock down price as a loss leader. What most people never consider is the cost of replacing the inkjet cartridges in a few weeks time, and on a monthly basis after that.

The actual laser printer has now fallen to a price where it is comparable to an inkjet printer, even for home us…