How I Conquered Suicidal Despair And Discovered Enduring Hope
My heart was as shattered as the broken glass I was sitting in. Oh, the ache inside. The emotional pain was persistent and unyielding. At times, it was simply deafening. Sleepless nights filled with anxiety left me in a fetal position as I lay in the floor and would rock back and forward, back and forward hour after hour. I mustered the last bit of energy I had, and faintly whispered, “Jesus, Jesus” as I rocked. I had no other words. Just raw pain and open wounds of multiple …
The Luxury Of Hopelessness
I had a very busy day. I’m sure you understand–food to buy and cook, laundry to clean, clients to see, money to earn. So when I received two emails each from Amnesty International and the International Rescue Committee imploring me to contact my senators and urge them to support sending UN peacekeeping forces to Darfur, rather than call I felt annoyed, put out, guilted.
And then I thought for a moment. Here are millions of people suffering unspeakable horrors and this is …
Great Expectations?
We all live with an unconscious expectation of ourselves and our own lives. This expectation not only determines what we have in our lives but it also represents what we are willing to settle for. Expectation is a very powerful emotion and one that very few people ever learn to fully cultivate.
Hold On To Hope, Humour And Optimism
This article suggests there can be benefits from putting hope, humour and optimism into your life by, taking a look at the life of a personal friend who had a terminal diagnosis of cancer at an early age.
Sarah Meets Wayne Gretzky – And A Lifelong Dream Is Fulfilled
A true story about how the Law of Attraction brought the Hero of a ‘special’ girl to the same city she lives in.
Business And Life Success Secrets Of A Remarkable Woman
I have wanted to write this article for some time. It is about what some have called a remarkable woman. As a matter of fact, she was recently featured in a book by the same name, “Remarkable Woman” by Insight Publishing.
The businesswoman’s name is Dr. Devona Williams. She is the Founder and President/ Chief Executive Officer of a 16-year-old Performance Consulting Company Goeins-Williams Associates, Inc. Dr. Williams is an accomplished inspirational speaker, trainer and …
Deadly Freedom: Inventing Hope In Dark Times
Totalitarianism has been tried many times and it essentially fails because human beings will in all ways subvert a singular narrative that is imposed by force. The fates of the totalitarian states of the last century illustrate this. Authority, the power to dominate the minds and bodies of humanity, has solved this problem by creating and dispersing a deadly form of freedom.
This deadly freedom, embedded in a mix of popular aspirations that are inherently conservative and …