Article Marketing & Free Publicity For Your Website

An increasing number of website and business owners are turning toward a new approach to advertising and, best of all, it’s free. Article marketing, as it is technically known among webmasters, is achieved by translating expertise into a written article and effectively promoting it across the web. This can be achieved by the use of blogs, content directories and direct agreements with webmasters to publish your article in exchange for a link back to your website.

Article m…

How To Get Free Publicity For Your Home Based Business

If you are just starting a new business or simply operating one on a budget, there are a lot of ways to get free publicity for your home based business. Not everyone can afford an aggressive marketing or advertising campaign. Lets face it – advertising is expensive. In fact, for many business, advertising is the largest expense that they incur. This is especially true of home based businesses due, in part, because there are not many additional expenses for a business operated…

Quitting Your Full Time Job To Start Your Own Business

If your current career isn’t everything that you had hoped it would be, it may be time to consider quitting your full time job to start your own business. It’s difficult to work around the boss’s schedule, have to ask for a pay raise and wait for a promotion that may never come. A growing number of people are turning toward their own businesses for complete career satisfaction.

Before quitting your full time job to start your own business, there are some very important thi…

Self-Publish Your Book With National Distribution

Many writers struggle with constant rejection from the publishing world. A rejection, though a part of the industry, is difficult for writers at any stage in their career. You pour your heart and soul into a book, along with hours of work, only to hear a publisher indicate that it isn’t what they are looking for at this particular time. Many books that were otherwise snubbed by traditional publishing houses have gone on to be very popular. How? It’s simple. Self-publishing is…

5 Tips To Drinking Beer Responsibly

Being the most popular alcoholic beverage in existence, beer is everywhere. In certain situations, it is readily available and may present a problem for anyone who is not familiar with its side effects or being responsible in this situation.

TDrink minimal quantities. If you find yourself drinking more than would be used in a social situation, alcoholism may be a lurking illness. The best way to avoid addiction is to drink minimal quantities and know when to stop.
