How To Evolve A Financial Success System

More often than not, people associate success with money and wealth. While that is a lopsided view of success, it is true that success often brings with it financial rewards; it is also true that many people who aspire to success are thinking of the financial rewards that will follow when they succeed. But what if your idea of success is purely financial? In that case, it could be that you are looking for a financial success system that will help you achieve your financial ob…

Managing Your Way To Achieving Personal Success With Project Management – Part 2 – “Project Success”

Project management techniques play an important role in the world around you. Many of the most visually imposing features of your life would not be there without effective project management.

Let us just consider one example: the aircraft you fly away on for your vacation. That aircraft is an end result of a highly complex project, probably covering several different locations and even countries. Design, engineering, manufacturing; all these could be spread around in diffe…

Rags To Riches – Not Just An American Dream

When someone becomes immensely successful and wealthy, others have choices in how they respond. The common choices are:

1. An outpouring of jealousy, dismissing the successful person as lucky, dishonest, manipulative, evil or with some other derogatory term.

2. Admiration and acceptance; a “that’s life” attitude: “Good for him”.

3. Wow! How did he do that? I want to learn from that guy and do the same.

It is sad that such a high percentage of people seem to fall i…

Managing Your Way To Personal Success With Project Management Techniques– Part 1

Project management is generally thought of as a business or organisational term, and it is true to say that project management techniques are normally applied to “major” projects within an organisation. For example, the installation of a new computerised accounting system would (or should) be managed as a project; the design and build of a new aircraft would be managed as a project; a major restructuring of a company or organisation should be managed as a project.

Before I…