After Divorce: Seven Ways to Rediscover Your True Passion
Divorce is not easy or fun but you can make it through this hard time by rediscovering yourself and your passions.
Top Ten Things Choice Theory Can Do For You
Dr. William Glasser developed the concepts of Choice Theory upon the foundational work of Dr. William Power’s Control Theory. Both theories provide an explanation of human behavior—Powers focuses mostly on perception while Glasser expanded his ideas to include basic human needs and the concept of total behavior—including a person’s actions, thinking, feeling and physiology.
Choice Theory provides an explanation of human behavior. Once learned, individuals will understand h…
What Is Narcissistic Personality Disorder And How To Deal With It Now
Narcissistic personality disorder is a personality disorder that is shown by having a grandiose state of mind in young adults. The number of people with this disorder is highly disputed with some theories stating that it can be as high as one percent of the population.