Motivation as a Result of Feedback

Over the past seventy years motivation has been the topic of much research. From Maslow’s needs-hierarchy to Skinner’s reinforcement theory, the question has remained the same. “How do we as leaders create a feeling of interest, a reason for doing something or behaving in a certain way?”

Send Real Paper Greeting Cards To Build Business And More

Most businesses spend a huge amount of time and money looking for NEW customers. We advertise, make phone calls, even travel cross country for meetings, all in the pursuit of the ever elusive stream of new customers.

What we’re probably forgetting is that up to 80 percent of our sales growth can and should come from PAST customers. People who have bought from you before are pre-sold on you, your products, and services. It often just takes a simple reminder to get them
to …

Human Resources: What Drives An Organization

The field of Human Behavior Organization emphasizes the importance of human resources in any business organization. The business filed offers too much focus on manpower development for it is the lifeblood of an existing industry.

This consideration provided several honchos in trade enterprise to create spin off departments to cater on different structural framework of human resource management development. Some of the most generic or common filed are the one below:

• Hu…

Leasing Virtual Employees

Business Outsourcing is a widely known compelling strategic management option several companies are adopting nowadays. From small to large scale establishments, they have been using it to continually maintain their stable status in today’s overly competitive market. Its emerging power as a business tool is undoubted…

The Top 10 Ways to Motivate Employees

Bonuses and rewards make decent motivational tools, but their effects can be short-term. The best way to motivate employees, especially over the long haul, is by creating an environment they enjoy working in.

Are You Wasting Your Money on Diversity Training?

You may be wasting your money if you haven’t done any foundation building. If diversity and inclusion are not first integrated into your business strategy, very little will change just by holding one or two day training classes. Organizations in all sectors make this mistake and don’t realize it until it is too late.