Sidestepping a bad day through Distraction

Ever have days where going back to bed and starting over is a great idea? You get up, spill coffee all over you, your breakfast ends up in your lap, nothing works properly (ask me about technology…), no one seems to care, we’ve ‘tried everything’ and work is the pits.

I Can’t Find My Homework, Mom! “Ask My Dear, and It Shall be Given to You!”

Do you believe in asking God, or whatever higher power you choose to believe in, for the answers you need, when you need them? Read below for an enlightening story about my 11 year old daughter’s missing homework papers.

The problem started when my daughter took a break from her homework to eat dinner. She asked me if she could take it in her room and work on it while watching TV.

A Moving Experience

Ah, the joys of sending your child out to his or her own apartment. This scenario will be a humorous reminder to a few of you.

Laughter: Use It to Pick Up Women

One of the best ways of picking up women is by making them laugh. Here, I supply some such funny stories to start up a conversation.

Passover: Laugh While Cleaning

Preparing for Passover involves a thorough house cleaning. While you are doing that, here are some jokes to ease the experience.


Why do some things happen the way they do. Here, I point out some of the unique conundrums existing on earth.

A Moving Experience

Ah, the joys of sending your child out to his or her own apartment. This scenario will be a humorous reminder to a few of you.