New Orleans My Home – Katrina My Nightmare

I have lived in Jefferson Parish, Orleans Parish and St. Bernard Parish Louisiana but anytime I’m more than fifty miles away from home I simply say I’m from New Orleans. People understand that. After hurricane Katrina they will understand it much more. What they may not understand is exactly what happened there before, during and after the visitation of Katrina.

Sometimes Typhoons Come

Tonight the beach is dark. No fireworks will dazzle the crowds tonight. No concession booths will sell snacks, and no families will congregate to enjoy the summertime display. All those plans. All the money invested in food, in merchandise, in giant fireworks that shoot two hundred meters into the air. When a typhoon comes, the merchants here just go to Plan B.

The True Price of Success

Standing in the gale-force winds, the kid was looking queasy. We could all see the storm was growing more intense. The rain had already plastered his hair to his forehead and his new black suit was starting to cling to him in ways Mr. Armani never intended. A typhoon was coming — the seventh this summer to hit Japan — and the kid’s job, as newest employee, was to stand in front of a TV camera while the weather buffeted him about for the nation to watch. Sort of a talking weather vane.

When Rules Fail

When disaster strikes, why does law and order break down almost immediately ?

Working From Home – Plan Ahead For When Disaster Or Tragedy Occurs

Disasters or family tragedies can strike families in many forms – Mother Nature, sickness and even computer problems can cause major difficulties for your business. Do you have a plan of action on how you will handle your home-based business if disaster were to strike? If not, you absolutely need to. Having a plan ensures that you can not only keep your business running, but decrease stress because you have already prepared for the unexpected.

Below are four tips to help y…