Bush Using Darfur, Aids To Salvage Failed Presidency

Rap Artist Kanye West had this to say: “George Bush doesn’t care about black people!” — Said during a Hurricane Katrina telethon.

After the Katrina disaster many polls indicated that large majorities of blacks believed that the federal response to Hurricane Katrina would have been considerably speedier had those trapped in New Orleans been rich and white, and that the slow response was an indication of continuing racial inequity in this country.

Most whites disagreed….

After Katrina – Seven Things You Can Do

The list as a result of Hurricane Katrina that follows is not meant to stimulate your thinking. It is meant to stimulate action. All of us can do all of these things. And in doing them we will not only be helping others, we will be helping ourselves deal with and grow from these events as well.

Katrina Cash Crisis Continues

America’s charitable response to the devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina has been astounding. However, the mind-numbing scope of the disaster is such that these noble efforts must continue.

The Era Of Disaster Recovery And Prevention… And What It Means To Investors

The recovery from Katrina and Rita ushers in a new era of Disaster Recovery and Prevention. Governments and people are rethinking their response to disasters and the steps they can take to prevent or minimize the worst consequences. The biggest catalyst for this new era is the political fall-out from Katrina.

The slow response to Katrina was a black eye for the Bush administration. For Michael Brown, the ex-head of FEMA, it was a national humiliation. The fates of Louisia…

The Hurricane Katrina survivors will be victims again… GUARANTEED!

This time it will be our own governments mostly that will do the victimizing but some businesses will get it on it as well. Its simply one of the biggest revenue generating processes utilized by various levels of governments that very little is known of by the regular citizen. It causes family savings to be lost, assets to go uncovered and even inheritances to disappear over time. It victimizes the poor disproportionately than any other class in our society.

What Katrina Can Teach Us About Leadership

Over one week ago a major disaster hit part of the Gulf Coast of the United States. I have been reflecting on the disaster, the response to it, and what lessons we can draw about leadership.