Enhance Your Life By Having A Sense Of Purpose.
This article looks at what we mean by a sense of purpose and how to utilise this as a strategy to enhance life.
Reflections on a New Image
Occasionally I have an identity crisis. I think that’s good. From time to time I have to ask myself questions like: Who am I? What am I doing? Do I like doing it? Am I good at it? Will it help the world? and How does the world know I’m doing it?
Avoiding the Creative Crimes of the Century
One of the positive things criminals have done, if I may say so, is add “creative” terms to our vocabulary. It always amazes me how intelligent and creative criminals can be! – Always one step ahead of their next victim, and ultimately, the law!
Brand Identity Design: Standing Out in the Crowded Marketplace
Creating a brand that is timeless, distinctive and powerful can help your business or product stand out among your competitors.
Branding Cures Several Marketing Headaches
Are you trying to attract business with a no-name, no-differences-from-competitors company identity? Branding your company, when done well, not only helps you stand out in a field of similar choices, it also helps you avoid price-shoppers and deliver results to customers that inspire loyalty. Here’s why.
Headache #1: Competitors all seem the same
Put yourself in the mindset of a customer and go shopping for a company that provides what you sell. Do all the options seem …
The “Big 4” Promotional Tips
The first step to success is to get away from the idea of creating an image. In fact, the literal definition of image is an imitation or representation of a person or thing.
The Benefits Of Branding
Branding is the process of creating distinctive and durable perceptions in the minds of consumers. A brand is a persistent, unique business identity intertwined with associations of personality, quality, origin, liking and more. Here’s why the effort to brand your company or yourself pays off.
1. Memorability. A brand serves as a convenient container for a reputation and good will. It’s hard for customers to go back to “that whatsitsname store” or to refer business to “th…
Why Bother Building A Brand?
At a conference in Dallas not long ago, a graphic designer from Kentucky and I sat down at a table where people were exchanging business cards. I looked at his logo, and he studied the name on my card.
“I know that logo. We’ve been in touch in the past,” I said.
“That’s right. I know your name,” he said.
Although we weren’t able to pinpoint when or why we’d exchanged mail previously, we guessed it had been at least five years back. Neither one of us has an extraordin…