How to Recognize a gambling Problem
Here are some ways to help determine if someone you know has a gambling problem.
The Best Way To Handle Post Traumatic Stress: How To Handle Sudden Shock And Loss
What Causes Post Traumatic Syndrome On
We all feel that the world is stable and secure, that sudden change and loss will not happen, at least not to those or us we know. When the world as we know it suddenly changes and the impossible happens, not only can we experience shock and trauma, but our normal anchors can disappear. Confusion arises, numbness and sometimes a sense of helplessness.
We may fear for our continuing safety and the safety of those we love, and not kn…
From Anger to Peace of Mind
Anger has many faces. It appears in various forms and camouflages itself, causing serious consequences. Today anger is a problem for one out of every five Americans and growing. This article shows what anger is, when it appears, and how it affects all aspects of your life. The article, based upon The Anger Diet, by Dr. Brenda Shoshanna, also shows some of the 24 forms of anger and gives specific steps to dissolve them. You will be surprised how simle it can be.
Stress And Illness
Jack, 60 years old, is a client of mine. Jack had been in a very difficult, codependent marriage with Stella – a marriage where Jack completely gave himself up in his attempts to avoid Stella’s anger, threats and blame. Jack sought my help regarding extricating himself from this very unhappy relationship and was finally able to end the marriage. Subsequently, Jack sent me the following email:
“Hi Margaret, I hope all is going well with you. I thought you might be intereste…
How to Recognize a gambling Problem
Here are some ways to help determine if someone you know has a gambling problem.
Chronic Conditions And My Life
Living with a condition is undeniably stressful and depressing. You soon find out just how much courage you really do have when you are left to deal with a lengthy illness.
There are ‘chronic’ illnesses (continuing for a long time), and there are ‘acute’ conditions (such as the common cold or flu). Some chronic illnesses can be fatal, such as cancer. Some chronic illnesses can be relieved and controlled with medical treatment (such as arthritis and asthma), although the co…
How to Recognize a gambling Problem
Here are some ways to help determine if someone you know has a gambling problem.