Time To Get Out Of Dodge? – Relocate Ahead Of The Collapse
Peak Oil? Economic Collapse? Maybe the universe is trying to tell you something. Maybe it’s Relocation, Relocation, Relocation.
With many people predicting a serious economic depression, and others equally–or also–concerned about the approaching depletion of oil production (“Peak Oil” – For full information, see Dry Dipstick at www.drydipstick.com), you might consider moving to a quieter, more sustainable, less oil-dependent location.
Of course you might be fine livin…
Mastering Money
Challenges make you discover things about yourself that you never really knew.
–Cicely Tyson
One of the cardinal rules about Mastering Money is that our income MUST be greater than our outgo. In simple words, spend less than you earn.
The way to initiate is to keep track of every cent that comes into or goes out of our life. There are many ways to do this, and so there is a method that will suit almost everyone:
Personally, I keep receipts of every purchase I m…
Conquering Fear
The leading cause of people not fulfilling their dreams is NOT the fear of failure … it’s the fear of success! The fear of actually accomplishing what they set out to do. The fear of living life to the fullest may have paralyzed you. This will cause you to never really try in your business, or if you do try, to sabotage your efforts so you never have to face your fear of success.
10 Steps to Getting Paid for Your Marketing Materials
How many times have you heard the same sound bites come out of your mouth to your clients, prospects, and audiences, almost boring yourself to tears in the process? Imagine generating money directly from those sound bites, from those pearls of wisdom that effortlessly trip off your tongue. Yes, it is completely possible, and here’s how to do it.
Increase your Adsense income
So you want to increase your Adsense income? Log into your Adsense account, and look at your last month’s stats. There are three key areas that contribute to your earnings: Impressions, Clickthroughs and Effective CPM. Improving your stats in any, or preferably, all of these three key areas will increase your Adsense earnings.
Network Marketing – Selling Information
The invention of the World Wide Web, and its introduction into our lives, has created a vast global market place. Of course, it’s possible to sell everything from cars to DVD’s. The other item you can sell is information, and that’s probably the most valued commodity of all.
One Powerful Word That Will Boost Your Sales
What if I told you that there is one single word that can improve your sales exponentially? This single word is so powerful that not only will it change your sales, but it will change your lifestyle! You will finally learn how to market the RIGHT way to your customers!
Strategy As Invention
Rather than view strategy as a selection of options, here is another approach: creation or invention.
Strategic planning is not strategy
Strategic Planning, often synonymous with Annual Planning, details how you are going to get where you have decided to go. It is a description of how you will achieve your goals — those milestones you established in structuring your business plan. Strategic Planning is operational in nature, it examines the particular actions you inte…
Explode Your Sales With Good Communication
These are simple and effective methods to increase your sales. You may think that you know what your customer wants, but do you really? Instead of assuming that you know, why not listen to the customer and ask questions to find out what it is that they REALLY want.
Work Part-time—–Earn Full-time
Details of how to start a profitable enterprise with very little capital outlay.