7 Ways To Develop Momentum And Get Things Done

One thing that I learned from bicycle racing (actually, I am not much of a bicycle racer but I do triathlons – biking needs work) is the power of momentum. In bicycle racing the way to do better and use less energy is to pedal very, very fast and powerfully to start with, give it 120% and once you are up to speed, you can simply maintain a good even cadence.

I have often used this technique even with my car which tracks my Km per L (of course I don’t do major jack rabbit s…

Chitika Means Big Cash For Publishers

There are hundreds of thousands of websites on the Internet that are missing out on big money. With the emergence of the new Chitika eMiniMalls advertising company, these websites could be bringing in hundreds of dollars a day, and they don’t even know it.

For years people have built websites around their passions, whether is was Mustang Cobras or food processors. These websites existed solely because the person that created them had a passion for that subject.

With the…

How can you increase your profits?

One of the most important question that you should ask yourself, and know.
There is only two ways to increase your profits, and we will review them here.
You need first to get more visitors, and in a second time, you need to increase the SPV.

How To Save Money On Google’s Adwords

Over the years I have had many accounts with Adwords, spending a small fortune with the Adwords service. So naturally I have picked up many cost saving tricks. I am aware that most people feel Adwords costs too much and delivers little results, this is completely untrue. Adwords is a service that is here to help us, so I have written this article to help web developers make the most out of the service.

1) Set your currency,
First and foremost, select the currency of which…

The Detailed Niche Targeting Tactic.

What is a niche market, and how to find it? Where, and how do I know that people want my products.
You should take the first general idea, then go to a more specific idea.
For example you are interested in martial arts, you may choose a niche in self defense, then self defense for women, then define , let’ say for example: krav maga, and you continue like that until you find the niche which will make you profit.

The way to have a higher SPV.

The concept is that with the same number of visitors, you close more sales.
You will need to know how to calculate a conversion rate.

What is a Niche Market?

A niche market is a group of people with common interest, a group who has the same hobbies, or the same social background, ethnicity. They will have the same desires and need. Each niche need informations and solution to their problems, and it is an extremely targeted market.

Which Product should you sell on Internet?

Do you now what the best product to sell on the Internet today?
This is what I have just discovered in a unique video tutorial program ( you will not find this anywhere). You must sell an INFO PRODUCT.