Insomnia – What Is The Problem With Your Sleep?

Insomnia is a sleeping disorder which prevents one from sleeping for extended periods of time or it can even prevent a person from being able to fall asleep altogether. Insomnia can be caused by diet, stress, drugs or alcohol and even certain feelings such as fear or dread. Sometimes, people suffer from insomnia because they simply have an overactive mind or sometimes people cannot sleep because of other physical reasons, such as excruciating pain. Whatever it is, to cure thi…

10 Methods You Can Use Today to Fight Insomnia

Insomnia can be a pain to your daily life and Having a good night’s sleep can be very difficult. Here are 10 methods you can use today to fight insomnia and sleep great every night, including a reflexology technique.

How To Improve Sleep By Reducing Worry And Anxiety…

Perhaps you’re someone whose mind is always busy. Do you think about the events of your day as you wind down for the evening? Do you worry about your family, your job, your finances, and what tomorrow will bring?

Sometimes it’s difficult to empty your mind of all these details long enough to fall asleep. This can lead to tossing and turning as your mind fights sleep.

There are several ways that you can reduce the worry about situations and events in your life long enoug…

Say Goodnight to Insomnia

There is nothing worse than going to bed and not being able to sleep. Here are some tips and techniques to say goodnight to insomnia.

Exercises That Fight Insomnia

If you’ve ever spent an entire day outside running around, chasing your children or taking a hike, you probably found it easy to fall asleep. Insomnia wasn’t nagging at you after you’d exhausted your body through physical activity.

For some people though that rule doesn’t apply to them. Intense physical activity while working the muscles and getting the heartbeat up, can work as a stimulant and instead of drifting easily to sleep, a person can find themselves wide awake fi…

Fresh Air Can Beat Insomnia

If you live in a climate where you are subjected to the four seasons in all of their glory, you might find that you suffer from insomnia at certain times of the year. Quite often people find it more difficult to fall asleep during the late fall and winter months. For some, they attribute that to the shortened daylight hours or perhaps a small case of depression as the temperature plummet and time spent outside is rare.

The cause of their insomnia might be the change in wea…

Get To Sleep Tonight

I used to have problems sleeping. I was always tired and if I accidentally dropped off during the day for so much as five minutes I wouldn’t be able to sleep the following night. Then a friend told me a trick he used to use and I adapted it slightly. Since then I have always been able to use this technique to get to sleep.

To start with, think about your breathing. Keep it regular and slow. As you breath in think to yourself “sea” and as you breathe out think “shore”. Get …

Music To Your Sleeping Ears

Trying to fall asleep when the tap is dripping or the wind is whipping outside can be an effort in futility. Regardless of how hard you try, you just cannot get past the noise and fall asleep. A few minutes turns into an hour and it’s not just insomnia bothering you but you’re becoming angry realizing that the loss of sleep you are feeling tonight will have an impact on how you feel tomorrow.

One of the most natural remedies for insomnia caused by noise is actually more no…

Staying In Bed Can Cause Insomnia

It would seem ridiculous to suggest that the reason you can’t fall asleep is because you are in bed. As preposterous as this sounds, it can actually be the case. When a person is suffering from insomnia, and they continue to stay in bed, the problem can actually worsen.

It’s happened to most people at least once in their lives. They feel tired in the evening, so they decide to go to bed. Once there they find that sleep is hard to find. Minutes turn into hours and then befo…