Empower Your Trainees

One of the most memorable quotes that I heard from a trainer came from a man I knew named Rizal:

“As trainees, you are supposed to interrupt me if you don’t understand something. You are supposed to ask questions. But you are not to go ahead of where we are in the class. All of the sections will be covered in due time.”

As a trainee, I could not have agreed more with Rizal. He made an impact on me. He was one of the best trainers I have ever known. What made him a great trainer was that he loved his career. (Notice I didn’t say job.) I knew he viewed his classroom as more than just a place to go to work everyday.

I Believe in You!

“All it DOES take is one person to tell you that he or she believes in you.”

“Life With Woody” 10 inspirational quotes than can improve yourself

It might take a little coffee or probably a few rounds of beer or any other booze you could get your hands on when it comes to relaxing after a hard day’s work. Well, yeah I’m guilty about that one as well, unless I’m caught dead wearing a lampshade over my head after a few rounds of vodka… half-naked! Okay, bad example and I apologize to everyone reading this after getting nightmares about me in that state of drunken stupor.

Just don’t ask how it happened, please.

Being Flexible

Through it all, our soul is in process of maturing and in process of remembering. With this in mind, our ups and our downs find consolation in our essence – in our spirit.