Hezbollah Weapons Systems
More than 200 hundred rockets were fired from south Lebanon into Israel on Friday and Saturday adding up to over 1,000 over the past two weeks. The latest news on Hezbollah launched rockets is the use of a Khaibar-1 rocket, which hit on Saturday an open field near the town of Afulla in the Valley of Izrael. Hezbollah propaganda named the rocket “Khaibar,” a historic-religious name deriving from the Battle of Khaibar in the Arabian Peninsula in the …
Nitwit Nation: Is America Too Dumb for Democracy?
Studies show that over 96 percent of America’s adults exhibit such limited literacies that democracy in any meaningful sense of the word is impossible. U.S. citizens need to start thinking and acting like citizens by turning off their TVs and engaging their minds.
Spies In The Ointment —-For US Ports
Funny how the debate over the United Arab Emirates management takeover of US port facilities fails to focus on spying as a major concern. Nothing less than the security of the Ports of New York, New Jersey, Baltimore, Miami and even New Orleans, a major choke point of America’s oil supplies, is at stake.
Enough has been written about how petrodollar flows find their way into the hands of militant Islamists and finance the forces of world terrorism to establish it as fact. …
How To Be Supremely Smart
If you’ve just graduated college, you’ve probably begun hiding away all those books and papers. Finally: freedom!! It’s time to get really rich and make a name for yourself. Career. That’s the real world, right?
Graduation is no excuse to stop the learning process. Failure to study is folly! The new information your constantly process determines your edge in life. School learning is static and often decades out of date.
Here’s how to grow your IQ by 50%- after…
Balance: Entrepreneurial or Workaholic?
A well-balanced life is more powerful than the hard work that you put into a business. A well-balanced life feeds the brain, the spirit, the emotions, and the body.
The experience of Life can be incredibly rich, just don’t get so caught up in riches that you neglect your Whole Life.
How Important is Intelligence For Success?
Have you ever wondered what intelligence really is? Or how important it is to be intelligent? It turns out that intelligence may be something quite a lot broader and different from what we used to think it is.
Music For Self Improvement
Music is enjoyable, but can it significantly improve your life? Yes, according to the research that has been done so far.
Uncover Emotional Secrets and Live a Happier Life
The same system causes you problems when it creates inappropriate and unreasonable responses in your daily life in non-life threatening situations. Maybe your loved ones see your anger and it hurts them or your relationship to them. Perhaps you experience other consequences that would have been averted had you greater control over your emotional brain.
How to Boost Your IQ — Guaranteed!
If you perform this one, simple exercise, and do it every day, your IQ will increase dramatically. Based on a study of the world’s top geniuses, this method is a ‘can’t fail’ tool that will make your smarter and more creative — fast!
Personality Types- Aggressive Or Passive
I am the world. The world must obey me. I can never be wrong. I know what is to be done and how.