Four Tips For Choosing A Website Marketing Company

If you have decided to look for a marketing company for your website, you will need to know a few things on how to go about choosing one. I hope that you will not just wildly look around and decide to go with the first one you find. It isn’t the best approach for you or your website. Here are some suggestions on find a good marketing firm that might help you market your site successfully in the end.

First, you must decide how much you want to spend on the site. Be realisti…

Internet Marketing Vs Network Marketing?

Which one do you want to venture into?

Internet business? Or, network marketing business?

In my opinion, you have to find out what you really want (money, good contact, getting new knowledge etc.). Then learn and investigate. Yes, you might fail in either one of both – be it in network marketing or internet marketing. But sometimes, you don’t really fail but you’re actually progressing towards your goals.

Let me give you an analogy. You build a website and do lots…

Search Engine Placement

You have probably heard a lot about Search Engine Optimization or the phrase like “make your site search engine friendly”. But how exactly can you go about doing that?!

Here you’ll discover this search engine optimisation information to be much unlike than what is presently provided on the web. I have been in your position and given by my experiences I’ll tell you like it is, no ugly tactics, no hype, just direct facts so you could have your own determination about what is…

Understanding Stop Words, And How To Avoid Them.

To understand how to avoid stop words, you first have to understand what stop words are. Search engines have words or phrases that are considered ‘stop words’. When a spider or crawler encounters one of these stop words, they will immediately leave your website and any information they gathered from it will not be saved in their database. This means that your website will not be indexed. If your website is already indexed in a searched engine, the crawler will come back to se…

Will Better Ad Copy Endings Equal Better Sales?

Does the way you end your ad copy make a difference between a sale or no sale? Absolutely! But what are some things you can do to punch up your ad copy that will make a difference in your bottom line?

Internet Entrepreneurship: Conversion Rates

I have set up two internet retail businesses in my spare time and this series of articles pass on my experience and lessons learnt. This articles covers conversion rates and answers a readers letrter about what to sell.