Because I Was A Sucker

I was chatting with a friend of mine recently, and we found ourselves on the subject of my website and ebook. I rambled on about how pleased I am with the way this project is going, and he asked me: “What got you involved with internet marketing in the first place?”

I thought about this question for a second, then gave him an honest answer. “I got involved in this business because I was a sucker.”

We both had a good chuckle at this. My friend laughed because my response…

Brand New. 10 Secret And Effective Marketing Strategies

Marketing is one of the most important business factors. From my experience, I have just listed 10 effective marketing strategies that have helped my marketing development, and hope will help your business,too. Here are 10 secret and effective marketing strategies.

1. Create a directory of web sites on a specific topic. Give people the option of adding the directory to their web site by linking to it. Put your business advertisement at the top of the director’s home page. …

Bridging The Gap Between Off-Line And On-Line Advertising :: A Superbowl Case Study

I just don’t get it. Advertisers spend millions of dollars for a 30 second or 1 minute spot in a football game yet in many cases they fail to follow through online.

I mean, if you are going to spend that much money to get your product visible wouldn’t you want to back that up somehow?

In this article I look at some of the shortcomings of a Super Bowl campaign and what I think advertisers should be doing about it.

So, Super Bowl 40 (sorry XL) has come and gone. Lik…

Chitika – What Went Wrong?

All I have to say is WOW. I haven’t seen this kind of vitriol since the last Democratic Convention, and all directed toward Chitika, a startup ad company that was supposed to be the Google killer. Their crime? Cutting people’s revenue checks after they’ve earned the money. Not a great PR move. And it looks like there are more problems with what, on the surface, looks like a great idea. I have to admit I don’t understand how anyone (including Chitika) makes any money with thei…

Could This Be The Key To Your Success?

What do the world’s most successful people know that you don’t? This article explores the secret to success that has worked for tycoons such as Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford and John D. Rockefeller.

Creating Customer Loyalty For Your Business

Creating Customer Loyalty for Your Business

Strategize and Plan For Loyalty!

These four factors will greatly affect your ability to build a loyal customer base:

1. Products that are highly differentiated from those of the competition.

2. Higher-end products where price is not the primary buying factor.

3. Products with a high service component.

4. Multiple products for the same customer.

1. Market To Your Own Customers

Giving a lot of thought to your m…

Easy Niche Marketing Success

One of the keys to Internet Marketing success is finding and exploiting underused niche markets.

Once you find these niche markets, here is what you must do:

1. Collect e-mail addresses.

This will be the key to your online niche business. When you are collecting e-mail addresses, you not only sell to your niche prospects immediately, but you can sell them other products in this particular niche market over and over again.

You must collect e-mail addresses!

2. P…

E-marketing Basics: Pro And Cons Of Hour Targeting

One of the main advantages of advanced internet technologies is the possibility of hour targeting for ads served to web sites.

Exactly how such targeting is done, that is a tech issue far beyond our e-Marketing topic. What is important to us, e-Marketers, is to be aware of this facility web servers have and use it towards making online campaigns more efficient.

Hour targeting is especially useful when:

– we already know the online buying habits of our target;
– we w…

Failure Is Temporary

Would you like me to give you a formula for…success? It’s quite simple, really. Double your rate of failure… You’re thinking of failure as the enemy of success. But it isn’t at all…You can be discouraged by failure – or you can learn from it. So go ahead and make mistakes. Make all you can. Because, remember that’s where you’ll find success. On the far side of failure.

Thomas J. Watson, Sr.