Five Steps To A Flawless Interview
Are you prepared for your next job interview? Do you know the secrets of pulling off a flawless interview and getting the job of your dreams? Use these five easy steps to prepare yourself and leave the best impression possible with the hiring manager.
1.Be Early – The worst thing you can do is show up to an interview late. What does that tell the hiring manager about your commitment level? Why would anyone want to hire a person who doesn’t have the organization skills to s…
Four Common Sense Tips For The Telephone Interview
Here’s a phone interview tip worth considering: smile. A smile is a magic thing, and in addition to being seen in person it can be felt from a distance. When doing a phone interview, don’t think that because the person on the other end of the phone can’t see you that smiling and other positive body gestures are not important. The best interview tip that anyone was ever given was to smile and make positive gestures. In fact, many people talk with their hands. If you do, consid…
Get Yourself Ready to Impress During a Phone Interview
Tips on what you should be doing to prepare yourself for a phone interview.
Good Employers Want a Balance of Assertiveness and Agressiveness . How to Cultivate that Vital Balance
Employers often avoid hiring overly aggressive employees as they drive business away. However employers want and hire assertive employees because assertive behavior projects capability and promotes a healthy productive working environment. What are these traits and how can you create a healthy balance?
How Temp Agencies Has Evolved
The temporary employment industry has gone through a number of transitions over the years. While temp agencies were originally used for hiring people to fill in for workers who were on vacation, it has now evolved into an industry which uses highly skilled workers. However, the temporary employment industry is considered to be a fringe market because it only employs workers for a short period of time. In the fall of last year, nearly 4 million people were hired to work for temp agencies.
How to Act During a Job Interview
There are many things that you can do that can take some of the pressure off during an interview. The way that you behave is one of the most important.
How To Create A Resume That Gets Results!
The purpose of a resume is to get invited to a job interview by an employer. The resume is the first and most preferred way of introducing yourself, so it should highlight all of your achievements.
How to Ensure Your Resume is Read by Recruiters
Considering that a recruiter may get dozens, if not hundreds, of resumes for a single job opening, there is little time to carefully dig through each individual resume to see if a candidate has the ‘special something’ the employer is seeking. So what do you need to do to stand out in the crowd?
How to Find a Job in Insurance
Do you have your insurance license and are ready to take the industry by storm? Are you an experienced agent, adjuster, underwriter, or broker looking for an exciting new challenge?
How to Find a Trucking Job
The demand for truckers is very high, and it is relatively easy for most qualified truckers to find steady work. Nonetheless, some researchers estimate that as many of 15% of drivers, even those with extensive experience, get disqualified when applying for a trucking position. Why are so many truckers getting turned away if the need for trucker is so high? It all has to do with being organized.