Hiring the Best – Interviewing Strategies that WORK!

Hiring continues to be key to a company’s success. Hiring the right staff – with the skills AND characteristics required for success – requires behavioral event interviewing. This article provides insights into effective interviewing and hiring.

How To Make A Net – Work!

A guide on how to positively network for career advancement and employment. The article is written concisely and hits key points designed to teach the reader job searching and career networking etiquette.

Career Planning in Today’s Turbulent Times

What you were taught in school no longer applies to the job searching skills needed in today’s market. The rules have changed…from the resume through the interview. Don’t be caught with an “objective statement” on your resume, or asking the interviewer questions you should have researched on the web on your own.


A concise guide on how to best prepare and conduct a job interview. The article is written with a tongue and cheek approach and offers the reader the Do’s and Don’ts for successful job interviewing.

How Not To Find A Job

Job searching can be tough enough all by itself. There is no need to make it even harder by doing or saying the wrong thing when job searching or interviewing. Here’s a list of what you shouldn’t do. These tips might sound simple, but, you might be surprised at how many people make a mistake without thinking much about it. Then they wonder why they didn’t get a call or didn’t get the job.

Make a Mistake. Should a typo in your resume or cover letter drop you out of contenti…