Autosurf Investments To Avoid

There you are many pubic Autosurf Investment opportunities available today. One simple search for “Autosurf” returns about 1 million results on Yahoo. Anyone could get started in these types of internet investments.

The question is – “Would you want to?”

With the ease at which budding HYIP “starters” can obtain scripts used by popular programs such as 12DailyPro, do you really want to invest your hard-earned cash with these people?

While reading various Autosurf re…

Penny Stocks and the Investments

Recently, investors commence sharing in the penny stocks. This action occurred especially after investors began to realize that they had the ability to invest chump change in a selection of companies. In short, investors could invest a few pennies or dollars in small companies around the United States. Since Forex and the stock market exchange industry has higher risks many newcomers to the stock market will invest in penny stocks.

Plan Your Trades and Better Trades

You have probably heard the saying “if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” This couldn’t be more true in the world of trading. None of us begin to trade with the intention of failing but that is just what we are doing if we blindly look for trades to put our money into without a proper plan of attack.

Playing Both Directions for Better Trades

When I first began trading back in the ’90’s, I was very fortunate. I had begun trading at time when the market was headed almost straight up. My first strategy was writing covered calls which blended with a rising market in such a way that I almost never lost.

Playing the Better Trades Earnings Cycle

Not all exciting companies report during this time. The brokers shook the up the markets in mid September and RIMM has often rocked the trading world
like it did last Monday but in general, most of the companies you know will report over the next three weeks.

Commercial Endowment – Your Options

Property development is big business. The rash of TV programmes about home makeovers and renovations reflects our current obsession with property as a way to make big bucks, quickly.

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Why Your Broker May Not Be Recommending The Most Competitive Annuity

There are over two thousand life insurance companies offering over fifteen thousand different annuities, and they run the gamut from horrific (I wouldn’t offer it to an enemy) to outstanding (I own it myself, and recommended it my parents). Let’s look at how they’re paid and how that can create a conflict of interest that can leave you, the investor, with an inferior annuity and less retirement dollars.