Hezbollah Weapons Systems


More than 200 hundred rockets were fired from south Lebanon into Israel on Friday and Saturday adding up to over 1,000 over the past two weeks. The latest news on Hezbollah launched rockets is the use of a Khaibar-1 rocket, which hit on Saturday an open field near the town of Afulla in the Valley of Izrael. Hezbollah propaganda named the rocket “Khaibar,” a historic-religious name deriving from the Battle of Khaibar in the Arabian Peninsula in the …

Iran Builds Support Among Muslim Nations

The U.S./Israel coalitions have been at odds with the Iranian government over Iran’s nuclear program. Diplomatic efforts have soured over the U.S. Israeli belief that Iran is trying to develop nuclear weapons. Iran contends that the nuclear program is to make energy and resents any interference from countries deemed hostile to their cause. President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad states that he is willing to talk about the program to anyone except Israel who has keeps “bombs over our head”.


Worried about Iran? Well, as shocking as it may sound, you may be talking about India in the same breath within two short years. The world’s largest electoral process will enable a conglomerate of 21st century fascist to take control of the Indian parliament, if the existing government persists with its fatally flawed anti-terrorist policy.