America’s “Happiness Index” At New Low

The other day it occurred to me that during Ronald Reagan’s run for the Presidency he created a “Misery Index”. This index represented a total of the rate of inflation, plus the prime rate, as an indicator of how the American people felt about how they were doing. No one has suggested resurrecting this index in recent years. My thought was to create a “Happiness Index”. How happy are you with the leadership of the country. The problem is that other than taking an outright pol…

George Bush – Forgive Him, For He Knows Not What He Does

I am a patriotic American. Politically, I consider myself slightly to the right of center. But if I held George Bush fully responsible for everything he has done, I’d consider him a war criminal. The only reason I don’t see him that way is that, after watching him, I have concluded that the man is simply unconscious. There’s nothing unusual about that – in fact it’s quite a common condition. Indeed I wonder just how much I am unconscious of. After all, we can’t be aware of wh…

Six Years Later – A Failed Presidency

President Bush came into office with great promise, and the reality has been one failure after another, and this is coming from a writer who was a conservative Republican before the President knew what the term meant. Let’s use former President Ronald Reagan’s requirements for a successful Presidency. Do you remember the last debate between then President Jimmy Carter and candidate Reagan? The former Republican Governor of California asked the American people in closing if th…

Troop Surge In Iraq Will Deepen Quagmire

It looks like President Bush is going to announce a “temporary increase” in the number of American troops serving in Iraq. The President is adding complexity to a series of wrong decisions he has made since the beginning of the invasion. It is difficult to imagine how a surge in American troops can fix a self-created problem?

We have made the same mistake that five star General Douglas MacArthur warned about with regard to Asia, “Never get involved in a land war in Asia.” …

What About The Risk In Buying Iraqi Dinars

Is it a risky business, buying dinars?

Of course there is some risk involved. Normally, the higher the gains, the more risk. But in this case… hmmm, difficult to say. Let me just give you some scenario’s to get you started and make up your own mind.

You don’t let me tell you what to think, isn’t it? I only want to help you on the way, you fill in the rest with your own knowledge and mindset, agreed?

Scenario 1: All the troops leave Iraq suddently and total chaos…

Where Can You Buy The Dinar Safely?

There are a lot of places where you can buy the Iraqi dinar. It will be a half year dayjob to test them all!

So where can I buy the dinar safely?

Look for the companies that are involved in more than only selling the new Iraqi dinar. They do not want to destroy their good names by selling counterfit notes or just do not send you anything at all.

These companies are better to get in touch with and you can check them out more easily on the search engines. Do not buy a…

Where To Exchange The Iraqi Dinar In The Future?

“There are a lot of places where I can buy Iraqi dinars, but where can I sell them?”

I get this question in my mailbox on a daily basis. To explain this best to you let me first begin explaining why this opportunity even exists.

You can buy dinars everywhere because this is not a common currency yet. They are ‘just’ a pack of printed paper. That is the key to trade and sell them freely, by anyone.

If this was an accepted currency from the day it was printed this ‘mon…

Will The Iraqi Dinar Rise Now That The Constitution Is Approved?

The current constitution of Iraq was approved by an October 15, 2005 ratification vote. The proposed constitution was drafted in 2005 by members of the Interim Iraqi Government to replace the Law of Administration for the State of Iraq for the Transitional Period, which had been put in force by the Coalition Provisional Authority after the Iraq War and occupation of Iraq by the United States and Coalition forces.

The drafting and adoption of the new constitution was not w…