To Trust or not to Trust !
Trust is something we learn as very small babies. We trust the first person that we bond with and it grows from there. Have you ever noticed how cool kids are? They trust every little thing we say. They rarely question us when we tell them something.
Walking on egg shells !
Walking on egg shells! Has anyone ever told you, that’s how they feel around you? If they have, it’s a huge red flag and one that should not be ignored. It needs to be dealt with immediately.
Net Neutrality On The Hill
The internet has always been a source of confusion and angst on Capitol Hill. It has also been one of the more glamorous issues among the lawmakers, because the impact it has had on the way Americans communicate, seek entertainment and do business.
As the speed of the internet has grown, as its “bandwidth” has allowed it to carry large amounts of content at high speed, the internet highway has become an enormously lucrative commercial highway. It has also become much like …
I hate to share this reality check people, but confidence is something that we already have and have always had since our cute little butts were spanked at birth.
Survival challenges us through many different issues such as: child abuse, sexual abuse, birth, death, job loss, health problems, low self-esteem, relationship ups and downs, parenting, deceptions, breakdowns, poverty, natural disasters, education, addictions and even our own desires to be strong.
Child Victim to Survivor!
Victims have no choice but to survive. If they do not commit suicide, they learn to cope. I have mentioned in another article that some use drugs, alcohol, food, cutting ones self and even sex. These are common coping strategies. NO they are not good ones, but for most of the victims that choose that road, it’s the better of the two evils.
CONTROL…who exactly is being controlled?
“I have to ask myself though…is it reasonable to control my significant others’ friendships, “just in case” they develop a sexual attraction?”
Her Cries for help are Real!!
Throughout my dealings with women from all over the world, I have met so many that are in a prison of pain and frustration. Through my website, they search desperately for a way out of this prison. They want so desperately to be heard.
The Ugliness of Low Self Confidence!
How fine life would be if we all felt like a million dollars 24 hours a day,7 days a week! We would never, ever feeling like we have woken up in a pit, full of self confidence lows, having the energy to just jump out of bed and meet the day with loads of enthusiasm and knowing that we are going to get through the day without worries of any kind. The sun will shine all day, with just enough breeze to keep our bodies cool. Life is good, oh so good.
Fight for your Self-Worth!
Self-Worth; this is a word that is so much easier to say, and spell then it is to feel!
Why do so many women feel that they have no self-worth?
How did they lose it?