Valentine’s Day Marriage Proposal Ideas

If you’re ready to propose to your sweetheart there is no better day than Valentine’s Day; this day is devoted to lovers and romance. A Valentine’s Day proposal is every woman’s dream and will surely get you an enthusiastic “yes”! Here are some ideas to help you create a romantic Valentine’s Day proposal:

• Cook her a romantic dinner for two. Tie the engagement ring, using ribbon, to the stem of a glass of champagne or sparkling cider.

• Take her out for dinner at your …

Discount Fetish

Our consumer nation has long developed signs of a discount fetish.

Wealth – Test Your Attitude

Wealth, money, mansions, jewelry, yatch, personal airplane, parties, celebrations, holidays and all that money can buy. Money brings so much comfort and beauty to life, that it has become one of the most important factor in today’s world.

Wholesale Cubic Zirconia Jewelry Guide

Today there is a wonderful opportunity in wholesale cubic zirconia jewelry from the current marketplace trend; consumers are turning more to this synthetic gem because the quality has improved tremendously. It has always been well known as a substitute for diamond, due to its high hardness and great fire, now it is established as a gorgeous gem in its own right.

Who Has The Largest Retail Location In The World? The Internet, That’s Who!

We often hear about the many thousands of locations where you can find a Wal-Mart, or a Target, or even the remaining K-Marts. But none of these retail giants can even come close to the Internet.

I remember when many of us first got online circa 1997. There were only 17% of Americans online and most countries around the world had barely even heard of the World Wide Web.

Within a few short years, Amazon-com had become the biggest bookstore in history with literally milli…

New Polymer Clay Jewelry Trends

Learn about the variety of unique jewelry you can create with polymer clay. This article discusses more about the various jewelry pieces you can create with polymer clay. In the creative and striking world of jewelry design, there are many different materials available for artisans to make into jewelry.

Antiques – 7 Reasons Why We Collect Them.

People collect antiques for many different reasons and therefore have many different views.

1. Some people collect antiques because they hold sentimental value. For example, I own a ceramic parrot that had been given to me by my grandparents, a cupboard from my other grandparents and a very old doll that had been given to me by my great aunt.

2. My in-laws once owned an antique business which they set up for sales and auctions. Their basement was always filled with a tr…

Bali Clothing Give You The Most Comfortable Sensation

You will find Bali clothing for any occasion, making the clothing very versatile. You can wear the sarong to work, at home, and even for a nice evening out with friends. One of the most popular lines of Bail clothing are the sarongs to wear to the swimming pool or the beach. The different colors and designs of them will make a decision as to which one to purchase very difficult.