Middle East Peace Is An Oxymoron
The phrase Middle East and the word peace are so contradictory that when put together they become an oxymoron. An oxymoron, as defined by the American Heritage Dictionary, is “a rhetorical figure in which incongruous or contradictory terms are combined”. There are very few things in this world that are more contradictory than the words “Middle East peace.”
Passover: Laugh While Cleaning
Preparing for Passover involves a thorough house cleaning. While you are doing that, here are some jokes to ease the experience.
Spies In The Ointment —-For US Ports
Funny how the debate over the United Arab Emirates management takeover of US port facilities fails to focus on spying as a major concern. Nothing less than the security of the Ports of New York, New Jersey, Baltimore, Miami and even New Orleans, a major choke point of America’s oil supplies, is at stake.
Enough has been written about how petrodollar flows find their way into the hands of militant Islamists and finance the forces of world terrorism to establish it as fact. …
Internet / On-Line Dating – What If It Really Was For Free?
A great deal has been said about the pros and cons of Dating Sites on the Internet. There is no doubt that those who use dating sites either due to social constraints in their real life or because of a desire to increase their circle of friends should be aware of not only the positive side of on-line dating but the negative aspects as well. One things remains clear. Internet on-line dating sites are clearly getting more and more members. So what if it really was for free?
KABBALAH OF LOVE II: The Secret Power of Ego
We all long for love, but the defensive reactions of the ego often get in the way. But your ego plays a very positive role in your life as well. Once you learn the secret of ego and its role in Creation it will stop getting in your way and become your biggest ally in your journey through life.
The Secret of the Void
There is another, far deeper plane of reality right here with us, another dimension to our lives and ourselves, but we usually don’t sense it for what it is. Instead, we sense it as ‘something missing’, a void. The void can cause us to eat too much, drink too much, strive too much – or it can lead us toward the essence of who we really are and an intensely fulfilling and meaningful life.
Passover: Laugh While Cleaning
Preparing for Passover involves a thorough house cleaning. While you are doing that, here are some jokes to ease the experience.
Passover: Laugh While Cleaning
Preparing for Passover involves a thorough house cleaning. While you are doing that, here are some jokes to ease the experience.