How to Conduct a Job Search

Job searching in today’s economy can be very difficult. This article will help the reader conduct a comprehensive job search campaign that will help ensure success. Learn what to do (and not to do), where to look, and how to be successful.

How To Help Your Child Find A 21st Century Career

Most of us were brought up to study hard, get good grades, choose a “practical” college major, and strive for a “good job.”

Talk to a stranded midlife career-changer and you realize the game has changed. Yesterday’s rules prepared us to be passengers on a large ocean liner that promised a smooth voyage. Today we realize that ocean liner turned out to be the Titanic and we need to keep ourselves afloat on a small life raft if we want to survive.

Here are some tips to hel…

How To Survive A Bad Performance Review (And Move To Your Dream Career)

Q. “I wasn’t happy with my last performance review. Should I dispute the review? Write a letter for my file? Talk to a lawyer? Or just let it go?”

A. Most professionals feel you should offer some kind of response. But whether to respond, and the way to respond, will depend on your company’s culture, the unwritten message and your own career goals.

1. Assess your report in light of the company’s culture.

In some cultures, anything but glowing praise will be viewed …

Hunting the Executive Head Hunter

Executive Head Hunters should be treated like animals. Er, that is to say, they should be hunted with strategy and planning. Here are five useful tips.

Interviewing Skills: Presentation of Your Work History

It may take you some time and self-exploration to identify it, but there are always some aspects of your work history that carry a positive spin. Don’t be afraid to dwell on your strong points no matter how unimpressive you fear your prior jobs may seem.

Job Interview Mistakes – Part 1

For many, the interview is the single most stressful part of the job search process. Any number of things can go wrong, and a big part of being successful is avoiding simple mistakes. The following is a list some of the most common mistakes during an Interview.

Job Interview Mistakes – Part 2

Many people feel that the interview is the single most stressful part of the job search process. Any number of things can go wrong, and a big part of being successful is avoiding simple mistakes. The things you should avoid doing are as below:

Job Interviews: Make An Application Cheat Sheet

It is so easy to sit down to complete an application and suddenly your mind blanks. You can’t remember dates or names or telephone numbers. If you have a varied work history, you can’t recall which job came first. If you have worked for the same employer for years, you forget when your duties changed or when you received a promotion.

Job Interviews: Prepare Questions In Advance

An interview almost invariably closes with the potential employer asking if you have any questions. Often an applicant will ask for clarification on benefits -insurance, vacation time, etc. While these are obviously important for you to know, they plant a seed in the interviewer’s mind that maybe you are more interested in what the job can do for you than in how you can help the employer.

Job Layoffs: Are We The Problem?

You know, we all talk a good game about keeping job positions in America and stemming the tide of illegal immigrants who pour through our borders at an alarming rate. But are we really willing to change our lifestyle, to put our money where our mouth is?